Why should you get excited?
Come for an afternoon to immerse yourself into the Argentine Tango Culture

Music Genre:
Type of Performance:
Live Concert
About the Event
Matinee Tango Fiesta
Come for an afternoon to immerse yourself into the Argentine Tango Culture in a special location: the Brunswick Ballroom.
If you don’t dance tango, here is your chance to enter into this magical world, as the afternoon will start with a beginners tango lesson (included in entry price).
After the lesson we will have a live concert with the beautiful Tango Mood playing for us a repertoire of valses, tangos and milongas candombe. Click here to know more about the band: Tango Mood
Everyone is welcome to this event, dancers and non dancers, as we have many surprises and collaborations during the MILONGA (social dancing).
Beautiful dance floor in a wonderful ambientation. Bar and kitchen will be open.
About the Organizers:
Marce Ospina (Colombia), Zita Van Zanten (Nederlands) and Elena Zalez (Argentina) are three women in tango, they have been dancing for decades, some years ago they met in the Melbourne tango community because of their shared passion for tango dancing and music. They bring their first event together with the same dedication as they have for tango.